Chapter 2181 Damn Dress: A Love Story:>61
- On the fifth day of Brandon's absence, Sienna started to panic. She hadn't heard anything. Sure, he had been gone longer than this before, but for some reason this time was killing her. She begged Darren to tell her where he was. She felt just knowing that bit of information would calm her nerves. But Darren refused, ensuring her that he was fine. That Brandon was tough and he would come back. But the more Darren told her that, the more she was sure he was trying to convince himself.
- She tried to do everything to keep busy. In the middle of watching a program on TV, she would start to hyperventilate. She had never panicked this bad before.
- When she wasn't having hyperventilating attacks, she had asked her father to move her back into Brandon's house. She wanted to be moved in and settled when he got back. And although her father moved her things into Brandon's place, he insisted that she stay with him until Brandon did return. He also tried to tell her not to worry. But they didn't understand. None of them did. She would die without Brandon. She needed him, and every second, minute, hour of each day was slowly driving her crazy.